Digital magnetic compass based on ellipse matching error compensation algorithm 基于椭圆拟合误差补偿算法的数字磁罗盘
The model matching error and the optimal solution in the Hardy space are extended to the locally convex space, and the model matching error and the optimal solution in the locally convex space are achieved. 将Hardy空间中的模型匹配误差与最优解推广到了局部凸空间,得到了局部凸空间中的模型匹配误差与最优解。
According to the given source and mathematic model of matching error, a algorithm for real time matching of GPS positioning results and digital maps is put forward. 通过误差来源的分析和误差模型的建立,提出了一种车辆导航中GPS定位测量与数字地图实时配准的地图匹配算法。
In this paper, the solutions of the model matching problem in the scalar valued case are extended to parameter valued case. The algorithm of computing the model matching error and the optimal solution are achieved. 把标量情况下模型匹配问题的解推广到了含参量情形,得到了在含参量情形下模型匹配误差和最优解。
And the relax iteration was used to reduce the matching error. This method can solve the morbid problem of two non homotopic objects matching. 利用全局优化的松驰迭代方法减少匹配误差,并由匹配的一致性准则进行匹配结果的检测,根据物体的内在特征来进行匹配,从而解决非同构物体的匹配。
When the matching error based on the prediction of the motion vector is between two SAD thresholds, a search restricted in a small window is used to replace the original motion estimation. 当基于预测运动矢量的匹配误差介于两SAD阈值之间时,用小窗口搜索代替运动估计。
Development of research on pressure transducer static matching error in rock and soil 岩土压力传感器静匹配问题的研究进展
The coding time is reduced greatly by using PCC clustering algorithm, taking advantage of nearest-neighbor correlation and threshold of matching error. 采用快速PCC聚类算法,利用近距离自相关特性并设定匹配误差阈值,大大缩短分形编码时间。
The adaptive threshold method in fractal domain is used to wavelet fractal domain. It solves the adaptive matching error of wavelet tree R and matching tree D in fractal quadtree coding based on wavelet transform. 将一种分形域的自适应门限方法,引入到小波分形域中,解决了小波分形四叉树编码中小波树R与匹配树D的匹配误差的自适应取值问题。
Integral image as an intermediate image representation can be used to calculate the sum of gray level in rectangle quickly. A novel partial matching error function was presented based on sub block mean. 根据积分图像对匹配误差函数进行变形,提出了一种新的局部匹配误差函数&基于子块均值的匹配误差函数。
In the regions of sliding window around each pixel in sonar image, distribution function parameters and matching error are estimated, which are adopted to construct characteristic images of sonar image. Adaptive threshold algorithm is used to detect target fast and exactly. 该算法利用图像中各像素点处滑动窗内像素点的灰度分布模型的参数和拟合误差为特征量,构造声呐图像的特征图,并采用自适应阈值算法进行目标特征区域检测处理。
The matching error function based on subblock mean with the constant subblock division costs almost the same time to different matching images, which is very suitable for the real-time applications such as video compression. 子块划分的恒常性,也保证了基于子块均值的匹配误差函数对于不同的匹配图像所消耗的时间大致相同,非常适合于实时视频压缩等应用。
Experiments show that the matching error function based on subblock mean is superior to both the full matching error function and the matching error function based on sub-sampling in terms of the motion estimation quality and speed. 实验表明,基于子块均值的匹配误差函数与完全匹配误差函数相比具有相当的运动估算质量和更快的运动估算速度,与基于子抽样的匹配误差函数相比同时具有更优的运动估算质量和速度。
The recent development of research on pressure transducer static matching error in rock and soil is described briefly. The approximate analytic theory and uniform quantitative calculating formulae of matching error are deduced; 简要介绍了岩土压力传感器静匹配方面的研究进展,导出了匹配误差的近似解析理论公式和统一的定量计算公式;
A minimal matching error direction prediction-based fast half-pixel motion vector search algorithm is pro-posed in this paper in order to reduce computation load of half-pixel search. 为了减小半像素搜索的计算量,本文提出了一个基于最小匹配误差方向预测的快速半像素运动估计算法。
Spatial matching error analysis of vector data for landuse change surveying based on RS 基于RS的土地利用更新调查矢量数据空间匹配误差研究
Evolutionary strategy with its application to best-neighbourhood matching error concealment algorithm 进化策略在最佳邻域匹配差错补偿中的应用
The matching error is further reduced through using distance mean value and variance of the edge similarity as similar metric of matching and rule of confidence level. 采用边缘相似点的距离均值和方差作为匹配的相似测度和置信准则,进一步降低了匹配的误差;
This method takes the matching error between the motion image and the velocity filter as the adaptability function. 把运动图象对速度滤波器的匹配误差作为遗传算法中的适应度函数。
Matching error causes spectral distortion and degradation in processing of remote sensing images fusion with IHS method. Wavelet decomposition has properties of frequency division in transform domain. And the statistical properties of wavelet coefficient reflect those significant features, such as edges, lines and regions. 遥感影像的IHS融合方法由于匹配误差导致光谱畸变和退化,而小波变换在变换域具有良好的分频特性,小波系数的统计特性反映了遥感影像的边缘、线和区域等显著特征。
Under certain occasions, our proposed algorithm even has a better matching error. 甚至在某些应用环境下,本文算法匹配误差性能更优。
Firstly, the thesis research on the distribution and feature of test error from three aspects of calibration error, template matching error and calculation error. 本文首先从标定、模板匹配和计算误差三方面研究汽车跑偏检测系统的测量误差分布和特点。
The method not only reduces the matching error for subblocks, in which the pixel values fluctuate greatly, but also overcomes the disadvantages such as slow convergence and local convergence of BP network used in image compression. 改进方法不仅解决了灰度变化较大的子块匹配误差大的问题,而且克服了BP算法收敛速度慢和易局部收敛的缺陷。
The allocation of the block base layer computation resource is performed in accordance with the initial matching error of each block, the allocation of the block gain layer computation resource is performed based on the distortion gain information of the previous frame. 块基本层计算资源分配是根据每个块的初始匹配误差进行的,而块增益层计算资源分配则是根据前一帧的失真增益信息来进行的。
Experiments show that the parameters of the seimic wavelet are more accurate, the cumulant matching error is small, and the extracted wavelet is highly accurate under the premise of the accurate model order determination. 实验结果表明,在模型准确定阶的前提下,提取子波的参数更加准确,累积量拟合误差更小,提取子波的精确度高。
There has not been a universal method for SMR selection now. It mostly depends on the matching probability and matching error of each region to division standard by man-made in the existing references. 在适配区的选择上,现有文献大多是通过多次试验,根据各区域的匹配概率和匹配误差人为划分选择标准,目前还没有通用的适配区选择方法。
Match score is calculation according to the number of corresponding minutiae points, matching error and a series of logical rules. 然后根据求出的对应点对的数目和匹配误差大小和一系列逻辑规则推出匹配分值。
The stereo matching section due to the traditional fixed window are-based stereo matching algorithm have high matching error rate, sensitive for noise and matching speed low, a fast and robust are-based stereo matching algorithm based on disparity gradient is proposed. 立体匹配部分针对传统的固定窗口区域匹配算法匹配错误率高,抗噪性低及匹配速度慢等缺点,提出了一种基于视差梯度的快速鲁棒区域匹配算法。
According to the analysis of the data from repeatedly matching with the same image of every one control point, it finds out the matching error characteristic of inner matching arithmetic. 通过对同一控制点多次采集图像并进行模板匹配的数据分析,得出了封装在软件内部的匹配算法匹配误差的分布规律。